Friday, March 18, 2016

These days...mothering, training and working... all while lactating!

So, I probably should have written something a little sooner...I mean for goodness sake, Addie (my daughter) is going to be 8 months at the end of March. But, as they say...better late than never.

Wow, so much has changed in the last couple years. I mean, I was pregnant for the end of 2014 and half of 2015...that wasn't the easiest. I shouldn't complain though, overall I had a pretty easy going pregnancy. I ran regularly for the first six months and then plodded around for the last three. Labor didn't go exactly as I had planned...after 48 hours of hard labor, I ended up getting a C-section...I can honestly say that being an endurance runner helped with labor but the hurt I've felt in races doesn't come close to the pain I felt for many of the final hours. Having a baby is no joke!

Anyway, I'm loving being a mother but I'm trying to balance it all and I think I'm doing a pretty good job if I do say so myself ;)

For the first 3 months I spent every single lunch hour with Addie so I could breastfeed and spend time with her but doing that made it very difficult to fit in my running so at 6 months old I decided to fit my training in on lunch and so far it's working out perfectly! I loved seeing her on my lunch hour but if I'm to balance it all, this is the best way for me.

I signed up for my first race since the summer of 2014, UTMB was my last race before becoming pregnant. What race you ask, the Zugspitz Ultra Trail. Looking for another podium finish this summer. I can't wait!

Well, I'm back in more ways than one! I'll be here...look forward to hearing from you and connecting with you :)

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