Sunday, December 29, 2013

Life's Choices and Moving Forward One Step at a Time

If there is one thing I've learned from running ultras, it is to never give up.  Just keep moving forward, especially when things aren't going well along the course and remember that in the end, all the struggle is over when you cross the finish line. And, it is at this time that you are filled with happiness and self achievement.  In Ultras, you have to battle weather, your nutrition, the distance and the difficulties of the course. If you focus on the things you can control like nutrition, your mental state and learn to adjust to the things you cannot change such as weather, it will seem more of a positive challenge and less of a negative struggle. This is also true with life.

We all have things we have to take care of, work, paying bills and dealing with relationships but if you focus on what is important to you and make it priority then everything else seems to work itself out. Life doesn't happen exactly the way we planned, things change along the way, but if you are brave and try to make positive changes and learn to accept things that cannot be changed, happiness will be achieved. Sometimes we take chances that have the possibility to end poorly but it is the hope and belief for a victorious outcome that keep us trying, taking these risks. If you never take a chance, you will never know that it IS possible. I will take chances in all aspects of my life!

I want to live my life to the fullest. I believe we all have a need and a right to be happy and it is up to us to ensure we achieve this. For me, it is having people in my life that I can trust and rely on, that are there for me and love me completely. Happiness is running and adventuring, trying new things and not being afraid of new challenges. I wouldn't be who I am today without running and the people in my life who have been there for me in different capacities along the way. So, with that said...I would like to focus this next year on my running, with it being at the forefront of my priorities. I love being out on the trails and I love competition. I love pushing my body and mind to new limits.

This year will end with me being a very different person. My personal life has changed but I'm grateful for the memories and the experiences. I hope that when 2013 closes, 2014 will open into a new and promising adventure that will bring with it new challenges and achievements. But most of all, I will love and be happy.

I wish everyone a very Happy New Year filled with HAPPINESS :)

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